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Serving Montgomery County, MD
Since 1992

How to Raise a Child Who Loves Reading
By Sarah Vanbuskirk #ReadingFun #Reading #toddlerlife #childcare #mondaymorningmomschildcare Most little kids, from...

How To Teach Your Toddler To Read: 8 Simple Activities To Try
Reading is a habit that can never let you feel lonely. With time and structured education, toddlers begin to understand the rules of the ...

Should You Hire a Family Member for Child Care?
If a relative offers to help out with childcare, here are some things to consider before deciding what to do.

How to transition your toddler from nap time to quiet time
If getting your toddler to settle for a midday nap has been a struggle, they might be ready to drop the nap and try something new.....

Expert tips to help your child fall in love with reading
Turning on subtitles? Brilliant. By Jessica D'Argenio Waller, MS, CNS, LDN at #earlyliteracy #reading #readingtipsforkids...

Potty training readiness checklist
It probably seems like just yesterday that you changed your toddler's first diaper, and now you're wondering is it time to start potty...

Developmental Milestones in Children
Parents are instinctively interested in their child’s development and want to make sure their child is progressing appropriately.

How to Raise a Child Who Loves Reading
Most little kids, from babies to kindergarteners, delight in listening to stories. This is a good thing as reading is important for.......

It’s science: Your toddler’s dinosaur obsession benefits their brain
According to a 2007 study published in the journal Developmental Research, about one in three young children will develop an....

Parents say: What to do if your toddler hates baths
If your former water baby has turned into a toddler who fears the tub, you're not alone.

How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Dental Visit
One of the most frequently asked questions I get as a Pediatric Dentist is, “When should I bring my baby in for their first dental visit?”

11 Important Types of Play As Your Child Grows
By Amanda Rock and #ChildsPlaytme #HappyChild #PlaytimeBenefits #MondayMorningMoms #childcare Children love to play...

Why babies spit up
Spitting up is perfectly normal for infants, who are just getting used to feeding. There are some simple things you can do to help curb...

Planning Another Pregnancy When You're Older
The fact that you and your husband have conceived in your 40s once already is a good sign that you might be able to work conception magic...

How Drinking Water Can Soothe Your Child's Anxiety
It is hard to believe that something as simple as drinking enough water can help manage anxiety. Water plays such an important role in ....

Skip the Sugar Completely For Babies and Toddlers, Says New Report
Every five years, the government's Dietary Guidelines for Americans tells us what to eat—and for the first time ever, they're including ....

Preschool Prep: How to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool
Learn what you can do to make this big transition to preschool easier for your child.

Toddlers and Challenging Behavior: Why They Do It and How to Respond
The year between age 2 and age 3 is an exciting one. Toddlers are realizing that they are separate individuals...

11 Medical Decisions to Make for Your Baby Before Delivery
You've educated yourself about pregnancy and made choices for your labor and delivery, but are you prepared to make medical decisions for...

The developmental benefits of letting your kids be messy, mama
As a mom of two kids under the age of five, I know firsthand how mess making during mealtime can really drive a type-A mama crazy...
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