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Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween—it’s a holiday that can be cute or creepy. Whether you opt in or out, there are lots of not-so-creepy ways to have fun this Halloween. Halloween night can be a lot of fun for children and moms. But to keep the fun safe, look over the following Halloween Safety tips. #SafeHalloweenTips #HalloweenSafety #Family #MondayMorningMomsChildCare

Halloween Safety Tips


Make sure costumes aren’t too long or too cumbersome. (The National Safety Council says falls are the number one cause of unintentional injuries on Halloween.)Children should carry a flashlight, or have reflective strips on their costume or trick or treat bag. Costume masks should allow children to see without obstruction and have good peripheral vision.

The National Safety Council also says, “When buying special Halloween makeup, check for packages containing ingredients that are labeled ‘Made with U.S. Approved Color Additives,’ ‘Laboratory Tested,’ Meets Federal Standards for Cosmetics,’ or “Non-Toxic.'”Halloween costumes can be extremely flammable, have children keep a safe distance from candles or other open flames. (This is a good time to talk to your children about “stop-drop-and-roll.” This should be their response if their costume does catch on fire.) Any swords, guns or weapons that accompany a costume should NOT appear authentic.

If in doubt, have your child leave it at home.

Trick or Treating:

Children should not eat any candy until it’s examined by a parent or guardian.Trick or treaters should never enter the home of anyone they do not know.If you’re unsure about trick or treating at homes whose residents you don’t know, do a little research before Halloween to find malls, churches or schools that might be holding alternative Halloween (and still candy-focused!) events.

If you think your children will be disappointed when you say it’s time to go home, give them guidelines ahead of time. You can either tell them they can visit a certain number of homes, or you can put a time limit on trick or treating.Make returning home fun.

Have some “Halloween punch” (orange Gatorade, orange juice, or any other orange drink) and play a spooky music CD.Tweens and teens may want to go out on their own for trick or treating. Have them tell you exactly where they’re going and who they’re with. Plan Halloween checkpoints— either by phone or in person.If teenagers are going to parties, do not hesitate to phone the host parents to make sure they are going to be home and monitoring activities.

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